Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It had been 2 months ++ since it ended. Should i be relieved? *sigh*

I had go tanned! *particular more tanned that i used to be*

Tmr is RKA day! RKA day = nightmare for students= a good time for teachers to talk bad about u=a good time for parents to nag you= the music which annoys you.

I havent tell my mum about it. I think i wont be grounded or something. I dint do really bad dint i? Ok..FINE..really bad..*sigh*

No addmaths class tmr! I will get to enjoy my Slumber again! xP

My bacteria made new friend. Although i felt bad for spreading the flu to sharon, i dint mean it. Eat more pills next time! after eat it, just go sleep, flu will be AWAY~!! XD Adious amigooo!

Today's class is as boring as ever. Gotong-royong at the first 2 periods. Im like slaking around, doing nothing. Just because i dint want to get my hands dirty.

I wish there's more fun today.

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